Woke up Saturday morning in Forsyth County, GA to a perfect day for Football. The forecast was sunny with the high expected to be in the mid-70's with a slight eastern breeze. The temperature quickly started to rise as the Midway Wolverines hit the field at 1:45pm lead by Star Quarterback, Shawn Michael Craig - #20. In an interview prior to the game, Coach Bobby Comer had the following comments to share about Shawn-Michael, "His positive attitude, willingness to try anything, desire to be the best, and natural abilities are truly unseen in young men his age". With high expectations from his coaches, teammates and fans on his shoulders; Shawn-Michael appeared to be unfazed by the pressure. In fact he appeared to be cool, calm and confident as he suited up and began warming up for the game. Shawn-Michael is one of only four players on the Wolverines that play Ironman (both Offense & Defense) - Playing Quarterback, Free Safety, plus additional responsibilities on the Kickoff Squad and Lead Kick Returner.
Shawn-Michael #20 Midway Wolverines |
From the moment I woke up this morning until kickoff; I had a feeling that I was going to witness something or someone special today. This morning my senses were spot on as I had the opportunity to witness one of the most talented young athletes I've seen in many years dominate the gridiron. As the game began it was clear that everyone's eyes were on #20. The best way to describe his performance was "Electrifying"!!!! His head, cannon arm and lightning speed were all in cadence. Shawn-Michael had a flawless performance at Quarterback lighting up the defense with over 70 yards rushing, 1 rushing touchdown, 0 interceptions & 0 fumbles. His 47 yard touchdown run was truly the highlight for the Wolverines and showcased his ability to weave through the defense and unmatched break-away speed.
While covering the game from the stands a reoccurring sound appeared to echo over the loud speaker. "#20 Shawn-Michael Craig on tackle". #20 was an animal on defense as well, making tackles in the backfield all the way from the Free Safety position and made many touchdown saving tackles from the complete opposite side of the field. At times it appeared that Shawn-Michael was playing multiple positions on defense because regardless of where the opponent ran, he was there delivering a vicious hit stopping them dead in their tracks. Shawn-Michael finished the game with over 15 tackles with 3 for a loss and 3 touchdown saving tackles.
We interviewed his proud father after the game and he had the following to say about his son's performance, "I couldn't be any prouder of my little man's performance; I watch him daily work his tail-off on and off the field and today he gave everyone a glimpse of what he's capable of. Way to go Shawn-Michael!!! Both your mother and I are so very proud of you...we're your biggest fans".
Way to go Shawn-Michael